Your Rights Radio | Family / Criminal Show | July 29th, 2019
Your Rights Radio | Family / Criminal Show | July 29th, 2019
Family Law
The right to counsel in family law is not a constitutional right, unlike criminal law.
Can one attorney represent two parties in an amicable divorce?
Once parties agree to the terms of divorce, can one of the parties change his or her mind and set aside the judgement of divorce (fraud, duress, coercion, misrepresentation) a detailed discussion.
Legal separation vs. divorce.
Legal custody vs. physical custody
When ex’s have different religions, can one of exes inforce his or her religion.
If an ex has moved with his girlfriend into his house, can the female ex stop him from being with the kids when the girlfriend is there (child’s best interest) Courts having no more authority over adults.
If my ex is living with a man, can i stop paying her spousal support. (modifiable and non-modifiable spousal support)
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