Your Rights Radio | Weekly Recap | March 29th, 2019
Your Rights Radio Broadcasts every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and re-airs every Sunday!
-Recap of the Week
-An exhaustive summary of Marriage Fraud allegations in an immigration setting ; some do’s and don’s
-Definition of premises liability
-If a lease between a landlord and tenant, then a landlord can modify his duties ( residential leases only if more than 12 months)
-Liabilities with Dog owners. Who’s to blame when a bite happens?
-No duty to purchase home owners insurance
-Michigan Supreme Court stated there is no duty for homeowners to install security guars
-An exhaustive list of do’s and dont’s
-Statute of Limitations ; what happens when a payment is made?
-State of Limitations for crimes ; you only have 6 years to file a police report.
-Recap of the difference between full and physical custody!
-Difference between a PPO and Restraining order
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