How Do I Meet to Discuss Bankruptcy If It Is Difficult To Take Time Off From Work
How Do I Meet to Discuss Bankruptcy If It Is Difficult To Take Time Off From Work
You may know that you need to file for bankruptcy, but your work schedule may be such that it is difficult to take time off to go meet with a lawyer. If you cannot take time off from work our office can accommodate your schedule. We are available for evening appointments and also on Saturdays as needed. There is one hearing you need to attend as part of the bankruptcy process, but that is the only thing that you may need to ask a couple hours off to attend.
The above information is a general overview and is not intended to be used as legal advice. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, the best thing to do is call our office at 248-557-3645 and schedule a free consultation so you can receive advice which is tailored to your specific circumstances.
By: Michael Benkstein, Esq.
Managing Attorney, Bankruptcy Department
The Law Offices of Joumana Kayrouz, PLLC
1000 Town Center
Suite 800
Southfield, MI 48075