Warning: New Investigative Measures by Automobile Insurance Companies

Ali A. Ajrouch, Esq.
Warning: New Investigative Measures by Automobile Insurance Companies | The Law Offices of Joumana Kayrouz, PLLC
phone: (248) 557-3645 fax: (248) 200-0645 email:aajrouch@wordpress-388761-3181353.cloudwaysapps.com 1000 Town Center, Suite 800Southfield, MI 48075
​In recent years, automobile insurance companies have been increasingly invasive in their “investigations” of motor vehicle accident claims. What they have really done is attempt in invade the privacy of claimants. Now, their invasion of privacy is slowly extending to medical providers. Recently, a medical provider advised me that a “gentleman” entered his facility claiming to be a representative from a normal courthouse. He stated to this provider that he was there to serve him with a subpoena; however, he did not have any paperwork with him. He entered the facility and the provider intelligently requested his business card. On his business card he crossed out his actual title and wrote “County Circuit Court” in its place. After some investigation of our own, it was discovered that this individual was actually a “private investigator” who does work for automobile insurance companies. After making a phone call asking if he needed anything further and when he would be “serving this subpoena” he admitted that there was not a subpoena and he did not need anything further. This will likely become a growing trend and medical providers should be aware. These individuals have no right to enter your facilities and it is a blatant attempt to violate HIPAA and the privacy of your patients.


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